Topquote, Openwork, L&G and the FOS


New Member
Dec 19, 2018
Walgreens pharmacy Hours Hi, I'd like to share my bad experiences with L&G, Topquote (TQ), Openwork (OW) and the FOS.

In 2012 I had brain surgery (MVD) for a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). After a few weeks recuperation I went back to work. This was, at the age of 40, my first illness (save the occasional cold) and got me to thinking about my wife and young daughter. I decided to arrange life insurance and critical illness cover and called TQ.

I told the salesman all about my TN and operation. The salesman told me that the policy was guaranteed for 20 years.

Three days later a 'confirmation call' with the purpose of 'confirming I was happy with the policy and wanted to continue' was made. The call lasted just a few minutes. The TQ employee tells me that the reason he's recording the call is 'for my protection'. He also says 'all I have down is one member of your family having cancer?' I reply, 'yes, that was my Father'.

The next day an Agent came to our house in the evening. My wife answered the door and thought it was a cold-call until he called her by name. She said 'you do know my husband's just had brain surgery?' he replied 'yes'.

My wife was in the habit of photographing the 4” scar on the left side of my head which still had dried blood on it. She wanted to keep a record of my recovery. The hair on the scar side of my head was shaved for the op and although growing back it was noticeably shorter than the rest of my head. This photo was taken less than 72 hours before the Agents visit.

We checked the applications and mine clearly mentioned my TN. The Agent told us the premiums were guaranteed and produced 'Statements of Price' confirming this which he duly signed and dated. A week later we received 'Summaries of Requirements' prepared by the Managing Director of TQ. In it he states that the premiums were guaranteed. They weren't. They were reviewable.

Everything ticked by as normal for a while and we just paid our premiums and generally forgot all about it. In 2015 I fell ill. I spent a lot of time in hospital and was eventually told I'd had 3 silent heart attacks, Cardiomyopathy, and multiple Pulmonary Embolisms. I was diagnosed as NYHA 3.
After a while we approached L&G and claimed on my critical illness cover.
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